

Join the WEPERE team and ride the new wave of sports recovery.

900 retailers and 2,300 operators in the sports sector from all over Italy and also from abroad: the OUTDOOR & RUNNING Business Days at Riva del Garda were the perfect opportunity to get to know and test WEPERE products that have proven their effectiveness in recovery after intense sporting activity, such as trail races and all the product tests in the field, organised during the two-day event and which were well attended.

ARYA confirms itself as the ‘star’ of this stage as well: many already knew it, others tried it for the first time on their legs and appreciated the relaxing and draining effect of pressotherapy and its ability to improve blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as decrease muscle tension, reducing the risk of subsequent cramps and injuries.

Daniel Fontana also came to visit us at our stand: treatment with our devices has now become a must for our favourite Ironman.

Sono state presentate in anteprima delle novità, che arriveranno nei migliori negozi di sport da settembre, per ripartire alla grande dopo questa bollente estate!

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